速報APP / 運動 / USMNT360 US Men's Soccer Team

USMNT360 US Men's Soccer Team





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




USMNT360 US Men's Soccer Team(圖1)-速報App

Your resource for the US Men's National Team (Soccer).

*Not affiliated with USMNT or US Soccer Federation.

1.21 Fixed Games with Opponent screen.

1.16 Countdown to upcoming major tournaments. Bug fixes,

1.15 Bug fix to major crash when browsing Matches in World Cup screen.

1.14 In time for USA's 1st Game, the World Cup section!

1.13 Bug fixes.

USMNT360 US Men's Soccer Team(圖2)-速報App

1.12 2014 Games and Schedule. Bug fixes.

1.11 Bug fixes.

1.9: Latest Instagram Photos/Videos from USMNT Players.

1.8: Game Results from 2006 to 2013

1.7: World Cup section. Game Previews.

1.5: In Results screen, select games for 2012 & 2013

1.4: Added 2013 Stats (Win/Loss/Tie Record, Goals)

USMNT360 US Men's Soccer Team(圖3)-速報App

1.2: Game Summary includes Goals & Lineup. (We're slowly adding them to previous games)

1.1: Added Goals in Results.

USMNT360 US Men's Soccer Team(圖4)-速報App